Who can be a mediator?
Role of the mediator in the mediation process
A mediator is a third neutral person who is asked by disputants to mediate between them in an efficient, impartial and competent manner. It helps the parties to resolve the conflict among themselves to reach an agreementthat protects the interests of all participants in the dispute, so that they can maintain good relations among themselves in the future. He is "leader" of the mediation procedure, he mediates between the disputants, and good mediators are even called "negotiation experts".
Requirements for the mediator
The mediator can only be a qualified personwho has undergone and successfully completed special mediation education.
Certified mediators can be entered in a special register at the Ministry of Justice, called the unified register of mediators. Every mediator entered in this register should have a special certificate issued by the Ministry of Justice certifying his entry. In order to make sure that a person whom you have trusted to be your mediator is really qualified as such, you can look for details about him in the Unified register of mediators, published publicly on the website of the Ministry of Justice, namely:
Регистър медиатори — Единен Регистър на Медиаторите (mjs.bg)
There is also an international register of mediators at the International Mediation Institut. The International Mediation Institute is the only organization in the world that transcends local jurisdictions to develop global, professional standards for mediators and lawyers involved in collaborative dispute resolution and negotiation. All mediators who have undergone training meeting the standards and requirements of IMI can be entered in the organization's register:
IMI Qualified Mediators — International Mediation Institute (imimediation.org)
n order for a person to be entered in the Unified Register of Mediators, he must meet meet the general requirements for this, laid down in Art. 8 of the Law on Mediation , namely: to have successfully completed a training course for a mediator, not to have been convicted of a general crime and not to have been deprived of the right to exercise a profession or activity. According to Art. 4 of the Law on Mediation, persons carrying out functions of administration of justice in the system of judicial power cannot also carry out mediation activities.
It is important to say that the general requirements for a mediator do not stipulate conditions that mediators should only be persons from precisely defined professions, but after the latest changes in the Mediation Act, which come into force from 01 July 2024 in the mediation of pending court cases cases where the court, in the cases provided for by law or at its discretion, obliges the parties to a pending court case to participate in a first meeting in a mediation procedure, it should take place in a judicial mediation center at the relevant court. A mediator at a judicial mediation center can only be a person with a legal educationwho meets the requirements of Art. 8, para. 1 and has undergone additional selection and specialized training..