Petya Doneva
Mediator and Architect
Arch. Petya Doneva is registered in the Bulgarian Unified Register of Mediators at the Ministry of Justice. Mediation adds to its skills to better direct and manage communication when participating in professional discussions, working groups, deliberations.
Works in the field of construction with natural materials and urban mobility. She completed a professional training course for architects in the preservation of immovable cultural heritage at the National Academy of Sciences and the Center for Higher Sciences "Chaillot", Paris. As a part of the NGO, she participated/participates in working groups at the Ministry of Land and Infrastructure for the updating of the regulatory framework in the field of road safety and the communication and transport system; to the Metropolitan Municipality - regarding the planning of measures to popularize bicycle transport. Participated in the development of plans for the development of bicycle transport of several cities, as well as the National Bicycle Plan 2022-2027. She is certified as a BYPAD auditor of bicycle policy of cities and regions.
She designed and supervised/participated in the construction of their own house with natural materials. He enjoys discovering and testing recipes for building materials and techniques. He is also engaged in gardening.