Legal Framework
The first normative act at the European level, which created the framework for the matter related to the mediation of civil and commercial disputes of an international nature, is Directive 2008/52/EO BG / EN. The basic rules and results provided for in it are binding on the member states. They have the right to choose for themselves in what form and with what more specific means in their national law to achieve them. The directive defined the concepts of "mediation" and "mediator" and regulated the basic principles of mediation, the rules guaranteeing its quality, its relationship with court proceedings, as well as the legal consequences of mediation. It applies only to cross-border civil and commercial disputes, but Member States may also apply these provisions to domestic mediation procedures. The directive entered into force on 24 May 2008, and member states had until 21 May 2011 to bring their national legislation into line with it.
In this regard Mediation Law - BG / EN, with which the Bulgarian legislator responded to the requirements of the Directive and applied the framework standards given by the Directive to local disputes as well. Thus, it regulates all relations related to mediation, as an alternative method of dispute resolution of legal and non-legal disputes at the national level.
An important regulatory act is Ordinance No. 2/2007 , (with latest amendments from 2020) of the Ministry of Justice, on the terms and conditions for approving organizations that train mediators; about the training requirements for mediators; on the procedure for the entry, de-registration and deletion of mediators from the unified register of mediators and on the procedural and ethical rules for the behavior of the mediator (Regulation No. 2/2007). Based on and in performances of it. The Minister of Justice approved Mediator Training Standards, Mediator Procedural and Ethical Rules of Conduct and a Unified Register of Mediators; Rules for carrying out control for compliance with training requirements and for the procedure for carrying out an inspection of the organizations under Art. 2 of Regulation No. 2/2007.
Finally we should mention the European Code of Conduct for Mediators BG / EN, establishing a set of principles that mediators can voluntarily undertake to comply with, on their own responsibility.