1. MEDIATION CENTER EUROPE is a company identified with BULSTAT No. 181015648.
  2. The CENTER is based in the city of Sofia, but has a network of mediators who operate throughout Bulgaria.
  3. All mediators from the MEDIATION CENTER EUROPE are highly qualified and registered as mediators in the Unified Register of Mediators at the Ministry of Justice.
  4. Mediators carry out their activities as a freelancer..
  5. The mediators from the MEDIATION CENTER EUROPE are qualified specialists from various professional fields – lawyers, psychologists, architect, business consultant and etc.
  6. The main objective of the MEDIATION CENTER EUROPE is to provide mediation servicesby assisting in the resolution of civil and commercial disputes by highly qualified mediators practicing according to established international standards.
  7. MEDIATION CENTER EUROPE and its mediators are not traders within the meaning of the Commercial Law and carry out their activities in assistance in conducting mediation, according to the rules of the Law on Mediation, Regulation No. 2 of March 15, 2007, the European Code of Conduct of mediators and the current Bulgarian legislation.
  8. The mediation procedure is conducted upon application received by one or both parties, but only after both parties agree to its conduct. The beginning of the procedure begins with the conclusion of an Agreement for conducting mediation.
  9. The mediation procedure begins after payment of the required fee, provided for in the document "Mediation Fees".
  10. The due fee for conducting mediation is expressly entered in the Agreement for conducting mediation and can be paid only by bank transfer before the start of the first meeting.
  11. The mediation procedure lasts up to three astronomical hours, and can be extended by several more sessions, depending on the type and complexity of the case.
  12. The mediation procedure is conducted by one or two mediators, depending on the desire of the disputing parties.
  13. The selection of a mediator is determined by the disputing parties, and in the event that they do not designate a specific person to be a mediator in the existing dispute between them, the mediation procedure is conducted by a mediator determined by the center.
  14. The mediation procedure can be held at a place, chosen by the parties. In the event that they do not indicate such, the procedure is carried out in a work room specified by the Center, which corresponds to the specific need, namely: the territory of the city where the procedure will be held; the chosen mediator; the type of mediation and the specifics of the dispute; the number of participants in the session
  15. At the discretion of the mediator, the mediation procedure may also be conducted online.
  16. The mediator is not responsible if the parties do not reach an agreement. His remuneration is paid in advance and is not bound by the outcome after the completion of the mediation procedure
  17. All personal data provided , within the meaning of Regulation 2016/679 (GDPR), are processed by the MEDIATION CENTER EUROPE only in connection with the implementation of the mediation procedure requested by you and will not be distributed by us in any form . The disclosure of personal data can only take place in the cases provided for by law or according to a court decision.
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