FIRST STEP: The day on which the parties have reached an explicit agreement to start the mediation is considered to be the start of the mediation. In this regard, it is signed Agreement for Participation in Mediation is signed BG / EN. It regulates the main commitments of the parties and the mediator and the terms of the mediation procedure. In order to start the procedure itself, it is necessary for the parties to pay the necessary fee to the mediator. Mediation fees are owed equally by both parties, and in the course of the mediation process they may also reach a subsequent resolution, at whose expense they will remain. Once consent is in place, everyone together chooses a day, place and time where the mediation can take place, so that it is convenient for all participants.
The opening of the mediation procedure begins with a general meeting of all disputing parties,together with their lawyers and the mediator. The objectives of this first meeting are to introduce the participants to the procedure, to gather as much information as possible about the dispute, to determine the disputed issues and possibly to start an investigation of the facts and interests of all participants and the discussion of possible options for a solution. In this first joint meeting, the mediator listens to each party and their perspective on the dispute. Everyone has as much time as they need to tell in free text about the essence of the conflict, as well as what their requests are to the other party.
SECOND STEP: After the conclusion of the first general meeting, the mediator invites the parties to to individual meetings with him/this happens within the same session/. The individual meeting is private and confidential between the mediator and each party. During it, the mediator can talk to the party more informally and sincerely than in the presence of the other party. It is one of the most important moments for the mediator, during which he can explore in depth the interests of each party.
The goals of individual meetings are:
Reduction of emotional tension. After the "stormy" first joint meeting, each side can be heard in peace without being interrupted by the other.
Gathering important information on the case that the party could not share in the general meeting for one reason or another.
Overcoming difficult communication - usually individual meetings go smoothly. This helps the mediator understand the interests of each party and find commonalities between them.
Generation of solution options - during the individual meeting, each party can share with the mediator how he sees the solution to the dispute and what concessions he is inclined to make, without the need to talk about it in front of the other party.
THIRD STEP Final joint meeting - during it, the mediator brings the disputing parties together again to generate options for resolving the dispute and reaching a mutually acceptable agreement.